Seriously. Creative Storytelling.
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Your Brand Identity!


Identifying Your Brand Character/Personality

Contrary to popular opinion, effective branding does not begin with design. It begins with clearly defining the character or personality of your company’s brand. This will be the first step in our Strategic StoryTelling Framework™ and will allow us to create a brand that truly communicates your brand personality and values.

Please complete the following two tasks at least 24 hours before our first branding meeting. This will allow us to jump straight into the process in the meeting.



Task 1: Describe Your Brand!

Send this page to any key members of your organization. Please have all key members fill out the form below at least 24 hours prior to our first branding meeting. THEN go on to task 2.


Task 2: Take The Quiz

Each question will ask you to consider a series of statements and choose what is most important to your company’s brand.

You may want to have several people from your organization complete this step. It will help us to see where there might be differing understandings of your brand identity.

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That’s it!

This will give us more than enough to get us started on your branding journey. Before you know it, you’ll have a defined brand and brand character that represents you!

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