How to Have Fun… VIRTUALLY!


We’re all missing our coworkers and friends a lot right now. It’s easy to fall into social isolation if you aren’t seeing friendly faces every day. But that doesn’t mean you can’t ViRtUaLlY sOcIaLiZe! We’re bringing you our favorite ways to spice up a meeting with coworkers or a group chat with friends.

Daily Check-Ins:

Before we really kick off the day, we like to group up over Zoom and spend ten minutes sharing our weekends and how we’re feeling. Use this time to catch up and take a load off!

happy hour zoom call

Happy Hour:

Once a week, designate an evening for virtual happy hour. No work, just play! Everyone can hop on Zoom or Facetime and catch up with a glass of their favorite beverages.

  • Pro tip: If everyone sets their Zoom backgrounds to the same photo, you can really amp up the happy hour vibe. It’ll almost feel like you’re together. Anyone down for drinks in Hawaii? You can really shake things up with fun filters with Instagram video calls too!

Change up your scenery:

Take your meeting to the backyard for some fresh air or bring your Facetime with friends to the living room with your favorite snacks.

What’s good?: 

It might be tough to find the good in each day, but that doesn’t mean it’s impossible. Share some positivity with your team or friends and find at least ONE thing that made you laugh or smile. 

crazy hats zoom call

Give it a theme:

Is your day full of virtual meetings? You can still get creative! How about “bring your dog to work” day, crazy hats or funny costumes? You’d be surprised how normal it can feel to get a little out of the ordinary.

Game night:

There are plenty of games to play online with friends or teammates. Want to play some classic games like Checkers or a Cards Against Humanity look-alike? Check out Playing

  • Do you prefer to connect over the phone with apps? Draw Something, Game Pigeon, Words with Friends, and Trivia Crack have great turn-based options so you and a friend can both play on your own time.

  • And for the gamers out there, there’s always long-distance bonding over PlayStation, Xbox, and Nintendo games to end the night. Check out: Mario Party, Fortnite, Overcooked, Minecraft, Animal Crossing, etc!

How are you connecting virtually? Let us know!