ONA Bags: Shooting The Beacon Lens Case

We LOVE the products created by ONA Bags, so when we had the chance to work with one of their newest products, the unique Beacon Lens Case, we couldn’t resist! With that in mind, we made sure that what we captured for them would really emphasize the functionality and benefits this case could bring photographers. We also wanted to capture the case in action… like how a photographer would actually use it! To do this, we partnered with renowned photographer, Matt Gee.

We wanted to capture Matt using the Beacon Lens Case as he actually would. So we followed him as he loaded up his gear and rode his bike down to the world famous surf spot, The Wedge in Newport Beach, CA.

Our own Alex Pavone directed the shoot and captured the action in 4K on a Sony FS700 externally recorded to an Odyssey 7Q+ Recorder. To prove that smooth tracking shots don’t have to break the bank, we broke out our favorite secret weapon: the amazing, self-balancing One Wheel! (If you haven’t used one yet… you’re definitely missing out!) When used in combination with a DJI Ronin, we were able to get ridiculously smooth follow shots as Matt rode his fixie through the streets of Newport Beach.  Check out some of our behind the scenes shots to see the rig in action…


All in all, we really love this one-of-a-kind case and we’re so pleased to play a part in the debut of this new product. Check out the photos we took and be sure to watch the product video below to see how we told the story of this little, amazing bag! And, as always, please let us know what you think of our video and photos in the comments!
