Posts tagged story
Presenting the…

Give it up for our brainchild of the last few years… The Strategic Storytelling Framework™!

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Rogue Experts: Storyboarding with Matt

Rome wasn’t built in a day, and neither is a great story! When we got down to the nitty-gritty and really defined our creative processes, we knew there was some magic that happened BEFORE all the action, before we filmed a video, before we snapped a photo, before we posted on Instagram.

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Barnes Family: Bigger and Better!

The latest chapter of the Finally Barnes series is out NOW! As you may have seen, the Barnes family grew by TWO this March. Congrats to our bosses Matt and Stacy! To welcome the newest set of twins, we have a video to announce their arrival and their fabulous names. Listen in to find out!

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Instagram Stories: Mastering the Basics

Instagram stories have massively increased in popularity since their addition to the app in 2016. The story format evolves almost monthly. How can we keep up and take advantage of this valuable tool? Check out our tips below to build a solid story foundation!

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Meet Mariama and Kendall!

We are pleased to welcome not one but TWO new spring marketing interns to Rogue! Mariama and Kendall have joined the team this season to share their video and photo editing talents with us. These seasoned editors spent their undergraduate days around the camera, and we are so excited to see what we’ll create with them!

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Rogue’s 2017 Reel

Watch our 2017 Reel… it was a great year for Rogue Creative Development! In our second year of business, we continued to tell compelling stories that needed to be heard. To aid in our storytelling, last year we acquired some pretty serious new equipment… a RED Weapon 8K Helium Camera and a GSS C516 gimbal (to name just a few!) to get the highest-quality and best footage available.

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Worth Telling: Featuring Siemon & Salazar

We are so excited to share this new Worth Telling video, not only because we got to work with our awesome and super-cool neighbors, Siemon & Salazar, but because it was the first official use of our new RED Weapon 8K Helium! As our third installment in this series, we can’t wait to introduce you to the amazing glass-blowing talents of Siemon & Salazar.

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Sean Woolsey's Worth Telling

Our Worth Tellingseries is a special project of ours that allows us to seek out creative talent and share their tales with the world. As our second installment in the series, we are excited to share with you, Sean Woolsey - Artist, Craftsman, Creative!

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The Power of Storytelling Replay

In January, we kicked off the year with a Social Event that was meant to inspire our creative community and friends towards the Power of Storytelling! Of all the different ways to market yourself and your business, we believe that a compelling story is the most important tool you can have. If you were not able to join us that night, not to worry! We have made the Presentation portion of the night available to you right here. Feel free to watch over and over again!

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Stories Worth Telling

We have created a project series called WORTH TELLING. We wanted to remind ourselves and others that there are stories worth telling all around us. We began with our friend, musician and frequent collaborator, Jerad Atherton. We’ve worked with Jerad to create unique soundtracks for some of the videos that we produce for clients. As one of the most talented people we know, we recognized that his is a story worth telling.

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3 Essentials for Good Storytelling

Humans love stories. Actually they live them! They’re what history is built upon and are what connects us all. As the oldest form of communication, a simple story can last a lifetime.

There are so many ways to tell a story and SO MANY stories to be told! There’s a story worth telling around every corner and each has a place and an audience that is interested in knowing MORE. What we’re trying to say is… YOUR story is worth telling! But of all the possibilities, what’s the right way to tell your story, or to who, and/or how?

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