Posts tagged audience
Building a Marketing Campaign with Belinda

In our latest IGTV special, meet Belinda, our strategic director! She’ll walk you through the basic foundation of a simple marketing campaign.

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6 Tips to Writing Quality Captions for Social Media

Ever find yourself at a loss for words when it comes to writing captions to post on Instagram or Facebook? It’s called writer’s block… don’t worry, it happens to everyone. We’re here to remind you of what to be mindful of when that writer’s block shows up, and what tools you will need to keep your followers and friends engaged and informed on your social media accounts!

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Social Media Insights 2018 // The Importance of Engaging your Audience

Social media moves fast. We understand! (Pretty sure there’s something new we learn in the social media realm daily.) Even as experts, it’s an industry that moves and changes so quickly that we have to stay on our toes. We truly feel being an expert in this field really means foreseeing and staying up with the trends and changes while finding the best ways to implement trends within our customers’ business models and objectives!

As we go through 2018, you can bet the social media world will change yet again. We’ll be here to offer you a few tips and tricks to help along the way!

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