Posts tagged sean woolsey
Rogue’s 2017 Reel

Watch our 2017 Reel… it was a great year for Rogue Creative Development! In our second year of business, we continued to tell compelling stories that needed to be heard. To aid in our storytelling, last year we acquired some pretty serious new equipment… a RED Weapon 8K Helium Camera and a GSS C516 gimbal (to name just a few!) to get the highest-quality and best footage available.

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Happy Thanksgiving!

I love Thanksgiving. When I was a kid, I loved it because, you know… food! (Lots and lots of food!) It wasn’t until I grew up a bit that I really began to embrace Thanksgiving for what it is: an opportunity to really reflect on the ways in which our lives our blessed. (Also, still an opportunity to eat a lot of food.)

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Sean Woolsey's Worth Telling

Our Worth Tellingseries is a special project of ours that allows us to seek out creative talent and share their tales with the world. As our second installment in the series, we are excited to share with you, Sean Woolsey - Artist, Craftsman, Creative!

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