Posts tagged brasa rotisserie
Seven Years of Rogue

February 1st marks the 7th birthday of our creative brainchild!

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BRASA Rotisserie | Phase 3: Telling

Welcome to… the FINAL PHASE of The Strategic StoryTelling Framework. If you haven’t read Phase One or Phase Two yet, go back! If you have, you are ready to move forward.

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Capturing The Perfect Image For Your Brand

A picture is worth a thousand words. With our photography, every project and photo shoot requires a different approach depending on the subject and the brand. We’d like to take you along some of our client’s photo shoots to give you the tips and tricks needed in every situation!

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Rogue’s 2017 Reel

Watch our 2017 Reel… it was a great year for Rogue Creative Development! In our second year of business, we continued to tell compelling stories that needed to be heard. To aid in our storytelling, last year we acquired some pretty serious new equipment… a RED Weapon 8K Helium Camera and a GSS C516 gimbal (to name just a few!) to get the highest-quality and best footage available.

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Rogue Creative Development's 2017 Recap

The end of the year is such an opportune time to take a look back and celebrate the amazing things that happened in the 12 months prior. At Rogue Creative Development, we were truly blessed with an amazing journey this year as well as some exciting and unexpected developments!

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A Very Rogue Christmas 2017

THANK YOU again for another successful VERY ROGUE CHRISTMAS PARTY! You guys donated SO many awesome presents to CASA of Orange County and we appreciate it so much! Your gifts will impact the lives of many deserving kids this Christmas! We had a great time celebrating with everyone, having fun in the slo-mo booth, eating at the awesome tots bar by BRASA Rotisserie and drinking brews from Hangar 24 Brewery!

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Happy Thanksgiving!

I love Thanksgiving. When I was a kid, I loved it because, you know… food! (Lots and lots of food!) It wasn’t until I grew up a bit that I really began to embrace Thanksgiving for what it is: an opportunity to really reflect on the ways in which our lives our blessed. (Also, still an opportunity to eat a lot of food.)

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Rogue’s Half Year Roundup!

With Summer here and a gazillion projects happening/in the works, we want to keep you guys updated on what we’ve been up to so far in our second year of business! So here’s a quick synopsis of what we’ve done so far in 2017, a look at what we’re working on now and a sneak peek at something we’ve got in the works!

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BRASA Rotisserie is Now Open!

We are honored to serve as the Marketing Team behind BRASA Rotisserie! As their Marketing Team, we handle all of their Social Media, Web, Video, Photo and Design needs. For their Grand Opening on February 8, we were able to capture the energy and excitement of this long awaited day. Watch the video and check out the photo album from this delicious event!

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A Rogue Review of 2016

With 2016 quickly coming to a close, it seems it’s the time of year to reflect on the past and gaze toward the future. The world seems decidedly ready to move on from this year, and I don’t blame them. However, while there was a lot to be upset about in 2016, it’s important to not lose site of the great things that happened this year as well.

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